Wednesday, February 15, 2006

One more cup of coffee

The locksmith did not come last night so I spent night alternating between the couch and the floor. Wicker gets uncomfortable after a few hours. I was eaten alive by the mosquitos despite my anti-mosquito incense, bug spray, and cream. It was quite a night!

The locksmith came this morning and changed the lock, so I have access once more to my room and am assured that I have the only keys to the front door. Tonight I can sleep softly on a bed and use my very effective anti-mosquito plug.

I am so tired.

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Anonymous said...

Hey Saorla, one is tempted to laugh at your antics with the pole, but is horrified by the creature therein. What manner of beast was it? Seen any snakes?

BTW, looks like we've bought a house!

Unknown said...

Very bad situation. I understand you, it is very uncomfortable situation. It is seems very strange that locksmith doesn't came. Usually they come in half hour. I also had almost the same situation, but locksmith came in 45 minutes and after 15 minutes I was at home.
But now, I hope you are ok.
Good luck.

Mór Rígan said...
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Mór Rígan said...

Thank's for your comment arthur but as we say here "TIC = this is Cambodia"! It's not surprising that the locksmith didn't show up. I was just glad someone came in the end!