Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Women are NOT objects

This is horrible

Government officials are importing 250,000 brides for frustrated lovelorn bachelors in Serbia. Social services chiefs are already in talks with neighbours like the Ukraine, Moldova and Russia and with Far Eastern countries like Vietnam, Burma and Cambodia.

Zeljko Vasiljevic, secretary of state for social policy, said: “There are 250,000 unmarried young men in Serbian villages who would like to get married but have no women to marry.”

The prize brides for the frustrated bachelors could come from further afield, explained the minister. “There is a lot of potential in brides from Cambodia, Laos, Burma and Vietnam. They have a tradition of bearing children. “And those girls are also good at agricultural work,” he added.

Women are not commodities. Woman cannot be imported. Women are not slaves. Women are more than their uteri. Women are not sex bots or baby making machines. Women are not prizes. Women should not be infantilised by being called girls. Women are not men's servants.

Women have agency and choice as all adults. Women have opinions and knowledge. Women have the right to refuse. Women are people.

The first article in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. All human beings. Women are human beings.

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