Wednesday, September 03, 2008

If you are not with us...

From Heart referring to me

I will not be approving any of your comments until you e-mail me and give me more information about yourself. I went to your blog and see that you say you have been in Cambodia two years. You appear to be a man. Your blogroll is a virtual who’s who of pro-porn pro-prostitution people. My guess is you’re a john, a “punter,” a “sex tourist”, prostituting Cambodian people yourself and here to defend it.

I’m getting better and better at recognizing people like you. The day is going to come when I spam you before I read 10 words you have written. How dare you comment here as some sort of expert on Cambodian prostituted women, when what the truth most likely is, you prostitute them yourself.

Don’t comment here again until you e-mail me and tell me precisely who you are in ways I can substantiate independently because I’ll tell you what, there are many sick people on the internet, many of them prostitute women and I won’t have them commenting to this thread.

Yeah my dear friends, Heart thinks I'm a sexpat man because I made a few comments over at hers about Cambodian sex workers. It's un-frakking-believable.

The reason? I have the temerity to take offence at her for saying I don’t care how many condoms get handed out in the Third World somewhere.

So I left the following at her place

Well I care about condom distribution in the developing world (third world is pejorative now), I live in Cambodia. In Cambodia whether the sex work is through trafficking or voluntary the women call themselves sex workers. They feel that “prostitute” is pejorative. The major of sex workers in Cambodia turn to sex work through poverty, rape or trafficking and they are damned sure they want protection through condoms. People living with HIV are discriminated against and Cambodia has a high rate of HIV transmission.

It’s nice that you have the luxury not to care when you live in a country that withdraws billions of dollars in vital aid when condoms or abortions for sex workers are funded.

You have a choice not to care. You could choose not to be callous about that choice. But your government makes sure to put these women in further danger

She apologises for her remark. I add a few replies to comments addressed to me in a reasonable tone and bam I get accused of being a sexpat man. Charming, not to mention she's accusing me of a crime.

EDIT: Heart has removed her comment. She apologised for jumping to conclusions. She has not apologised for slandering me.

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hexy said...

I really can't see how even a skim of your blog could read as "man", much less "male sex tourist".


Unknown said...

Heart's a white supremacist, she is, and a woman-hater, so when you call her on that, she has to tell lies rather than acknowledge that what you said is correct.

I'm sorry that you have to put up with this shit. Fortunately, I think most people see through it.

Anonymous said...

"Heart's a white supremacist, she is, and a woman-hater."

That's exactly it - Heart is the opposite of what she claims to be. And Galling Galla's right, I think, it's only Heart's little gang of radfems who are taken in by this rubbish, anyone reading with an open mind and a modicum of free thinking can see through it.

Hi, I'm Debs, by the way, didn't know your blog existed until today (I'm here via belledame), but will be keeping up with you now!

Mór Rígan said...

Thanks Hexy. I can't quite understand it myself. I find her assumptions cruel and hurtful.

I didn't know that she is a white supremacist GG. Thanks for your support. I really hope people do see through her. I work hard for equality in a tough place.

Welcome Debs and thanks for your support. I think I'm going to keep well away from Heart's place from now on. I only wanted to set the record straight.

hexy said...

It's probably for the best. There was a time when I used to read her regularly. Now I only end up there if someone links to something significant.

It's a shame, because even this time I found myself reading and agreeing with a few of her posts. On some things, she's still great. On others... well, just no.

Mór Rígan said...

As far as I'm concerned, she can take a long walk off a short pier. Her attack was vicious and unrooted in anything resembling fact.

I only went over there to bring up the condom issue and point out the privileged language she uses. The US has cut funding for harm reduction measures in the sex worker population. It's too easy to generalise about people that she doesn't care about.

hexy said...

Absolutely. You presented a factual correction in neutral language, and she attacked you on a truly cruel fashion.

This is shit. *hugs*

Ravenmn said...

I am so sorry you are the target of such hateful lies. It's beyond the pale.

Mór Rígan said...

I read the links Belle. Thanks very much. Wow she is off the wall. I had no idea that it was that bad.

I loved Bint's award too!