Saturday, August 30, 2008

Street children

When living in Cambodia and other developing nations, it's necessary to develop a thick skin. Poverty, violence and child abuse is rampant. Having been here over two years, I block out quite a bit of it - just impossible to cope otherwise.

Today while waiting at traffic lights, some children came to me and my friend and were begging. The rule is not to give to children because this exacerbates the situation but when there are four children around you it is so hard to say no. Instead we talked about going to Friends, an NGO that takes care of street kids. My friend had already contacted them on numerous occasions but the parents wouldn't go along with it. Now this is a fairly normal occurrence. Kids come up every day and we have the same conversation.

One of the girls, probably about five years old was holding a baby in heavy traffic. The baby was tiny and probably about a month old. She looked smaller than a doll. A tiny baby - smaller than my nephews when they were born. She must have weighed five pounds. It broke my heart. The child was so young and already was breathing in toxic fumes. The parents take the money given by tourists and send the kids out again. There's no point in contacting the police because they round up children and put them in "rehabilitation" camps.

I support NGOs financially but it is so hard to see young children being used so ill and knowing that there is nothing I can do.

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Unknown said...

Reading this comment made me speechless and take refuge in my inner thoughts. Not to feel so helpless it might be good to do what I can to help and otherwise know that all is in perfect divine arrangement for me to see and learn.
Then I don't look out but go inside to change myself and say:Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me because I can only control my own actions.

Mór Rígan said...

all is in perfect divine arrangement

Firstly: that's a messed up philosophy that implies that if these kids are poor it is divine will.

Secondly: your faith is fine for you but do not push it on other people. I have no interest in standing by praying to a mythical being when I can make a positive contribution to the world around me