Monday, June 04, 2007

Unacceptable and unrealistic

    "The writer only saw the bleak aspects. If the writer saw white, he will write white, and if the writer saw black, he will write black. He only sees black and not white; it always rains, and there is no blue sky" - Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, ranting about UN Envoy Yash Ghai's scathing report on human rights condition in Cambodia

    The Cambodian government said Friday a UN human rights report was "unacceptable" and unrealistic, at the end of a three-day visit from the UN rights envoy Yash Ghai.

    The report calls human rights abuses in Cambodia "intentional and systematic acts of the government in maintaining power," the Interior Ministry said in a statement. The report "does not reflect the reality" and "overlooked" efforts by government agencies to curb rights abuses, the statement said.

    Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak said the report should not be submitted without consensus from the Cambodian government. (Source)
Yes indeedy. The Cambodia Government did not like that so the report must be deemed unacceptable. I do wonder what would be acceptable. Perhaps Ghai should follow the example of other agencies and not ask and not tell? That may indeed appease the government but what hope for human rights in Cambodia without the bright lights of an open investigation?

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