Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Staff of the Cambodge Soir fight back

The editorial staff of the Cambodge Soir is fighting back. If you don't know the backstory, click here. They have launched a new blog to keep readers informed and to get their side of the story out to the general public.
    Le quotidien cambodgien francophone et khmérophone Cambodge Soir est encore absent des kiosques ce lundi, et le sera encore mardi... Le site www.cambodgesoir.info est toujours bloqué par la direction. La rédaction continue de se rendre sur son lieu de travail, chaque jour, seule, sans directrice adjointe ni directeur, ni personnel administratif.

    Nous avons besoin encore et encore de votre soutien : messages envoyés à notre collectif (collectifcs@gmail.com), pétitions, courriers adressés aux administrateurs de Cambodge Soir, aux associations de journalistes, à la Francophonie... Toutes les aides sont les bienvenues !
    Merci encore !
    La rédaction (Source)

    The francophone newspaper Cambodge Soir is absent once more from newsagents today and will be again tomorrow. The website www.cambodgesoir.info has been blocked by management. The editorial staff are present work each day, whereas the manager, deputy manager and administration staff are not.

    We need your support more and more - send emails to us (collectifcs@gmail.com), sign petitions, send letters to the management of the Cambodge Soir, journalists' organisations, French speaking organisations and businesses... All help is welcome.
    Thank you again
    The editorial staff (My translation)
The story needs to get out so feel free to email your support in English, French or Khmer. The editorial staff have been treated very badly by management and the newspaper has been in circulation for the past twelve years. It is of good journalistic standard. Personally I miss reading it in the morning.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Former journalists from Cambodge Soir created an new independant news website and put it online recently:
A general information website about Cambodia and the Cambodians in the world, in Khmer and in French, updated daily, Ka-set has joined the media community.