Monday, October 08, 2007


Don't you think it's almost worse when a misogynist hides behind a veneer of equality instead of admitting it up front? If you hate me for being a woman, don't try and hide it under respectability.

I was cornered by a man, I thought I knew quite well, on Saturday night. This man had slept with two of my friends unbeknownst to his girlfriend. He treated one of them really badly. He wanted information from me. He wanted to know who had told the world about his cheating.

He spoke to me as if I was unaware of the facts. Both women had told me their story. I was there when he pursed them. He pursued them ruthlessly and constantly and then cried like a baby when I said that I did not believe that he felt guilt over his cheating.

He believes that both girls tricked him into faithlessness. Yes he actually believes that. He claims that both pursued him. But I know better because I was a witness to both 'courtships'. He's re-enacting 'blame the woman' that game that we have been on the receiving end for time immemorial. Eve gave Adam the apple but he chose to eat it. Surely the patriarchy isn't claiming that he didn't have free will. Secondly, it's a myth. Get over it.

He is obsessed with finding out who spread rumours about his dalliances, afraid that his partner will find out. It is strange that he wants a name, someone he can threaten, even two months later, despite copious public displays of affection.

Of course he believes that only a woman would spread gossip like that. Of course he is wrong.

He demanded information from me. He was messing with the wrong person. So I let him feel the sharpness of my tongue. I called him on his misogyny and his lies and his treatment of my friends. I let him feel every piece of anger I had stored up instead. He denied it for a while but I broke him. Did he honestly believe, knowing the whole story, that I would side with him, a person who blames my gender for his actions? Never.

In his professional life, he preaches tolerance. In his personal life, he seemed full of hate and blame to me. I never would have thought it of him.

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Anonymous said...

Schopenhauer, in his
renowned essay "On Woman" states that women . . . "are their whole life - grown-up children . . . She is an intellectual myope whose intuitive understanding sees distinctly what is near, but has a narrow range of vision, which does not embrace the distant." Schopenhauer finds that her
basic tools of trade are a subconscious and automatic tendency towards "cunning and deception," and that the woman's basic failing lies in her injustice. Others agree on this point. Freud says that "the poor sense of justice in women is connected to the preponderance of envy in their mental life."

"Nature intended women to be our slaves; . . . they are our property, we are not theirs. They belong to us, just as a tree that bears fruit belongs to the gardener. What a mad idea to demand equality for women! . . . Women are nothing but machines for producing children." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Mór Rígan said...


you're a troll.


Anonymous said...

Soren = Troll? He/she is stating his/her opinions in the form of quotations which he/she feels express his/her viewpoint more eloquently.

You have a highly opinionated blog here, Saorla; maybe you should also respect the opinions of others.

Mór Rígan said...

Yes James he is expressing his opinion through quotations but they are highly offensive to women.

I tolerate different points of view but not the incitement of misogyny. Why should I hate to read his/her hate speech? But I left his comment up and called him a troll. I didn't censor him.

Thanks for commenting.