Monday, October 08, 2007

Idiots visit Burma

What could be more idiotic as deciding to backpack through a country ruled by a military junta that has just cracked down on its protesting people and shot a few foreigners? I can't think of actions more moronic at this particular moment.

Yes it's true. Seven foreign residents of Cambodia, all between the ages of 20 and 27 have gone on a holiday to Burma. The UN advises against travel. Their own governments have prohibited travel and some have imposed sanctions (no prizes for guessing which one). They are under the delusion that their tourist dollars will go to the locals. Yes I'm sure the military junta will be happy to allow seven young international students to wander around taking pictures and making notes. They will not be able to choose their own guest houses and restaurants. The 8pm curfew will make things a little less fun I'm sure.

The phones lines have been cut. The internet is off. Bloggers are on the run. People have been killed. Interns are going a touristing. Many people tried to reason with them but well there really is no accounting for stupidity.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like, If you want peace, you just have to negotiate it, like.
Just raise your hands and yell peace! Those soldiers will back off. Like, life is like a rainbow, an' all sunny inside, too, just for grins :)