Wednesday, October 31, 2007

KFC = animal cruelty or PETA = delusional?

PETA's got another idiotic and vaguely insulting campaign going.

An international animal-rights organization has urged Prime Minister Hun Sen to prevent the U.S.-based fast-food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) from opening in Cambodia, claiming that it threatens Cambodian culture, people's health and leads to animal abuse, local media said Wednesday. (Source)

Model Sarah Jane urging a boycott by posing naked with two chickens and the slogan 'chicks agree'. Aside of the obvious sexism, PETA is delusional with regard to the 'animal cruelty' issue. They are worried that KFC will hurt the poor chickens. Well since I've been in Cambodia, I've seen live pigs, ducks and chickens strapped to motorbikes. At the zoo adults throw stones at the animals to make them move and domestic animals are savagely beaten. Big deal on the KFC chickens!

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Monika said...

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Hope you’re okay,
Chililady from Austria

Anonymous said...

This does not make sense to me. KFC boils chickens alive, breaks their legs, crowds them so tight in their own filth that they're skin is burned with ammonia, breeds them to grow so fast their legs cripple, and so on -- millions of animals. The fact that other animals are also abused doesn't make it less of a big deal! If I beat my wife, will you say "big deal" because people get beaten and abused around the world all the time? It's still horrible and unacceptable and we should do something about it. We can start by boycotting KFC.

Unknown said...

I doubt very much whether KFC boils chickens alive. It isn't practical for one thing. I just find it ironic that people are worried that KFC hurting animals considering the amount of animal cruelty I see in Cambodia on a daily basis.