Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Same old show

Because when in doubt its always good to try and get your accusers fired.

Subsequently, the Royal Embassy of Cambodia today once again, urged Global Witness funders...review the credibility and ill-intention of Global Witness Director and discriminatory nature may be ill suited to lead Global Witness in the current situation and the future. It would be disastrous for the credibility and the image of Global Witness Funders: Trusts and foundations-Development organizations- Governments, if no concrete actions and measures would not seriously considered to provide a new guidance and leadership to Global Witness. (Source)

So exposing crimes is now discriminatory? Revealing corruption comes from ill intentions? It's funny how some accuse others of faults they themselves possess. Is the government so angry with Global Witness for revealing the scam that they must retaliate?

Calling the credible of Global Witness into account does nothing to help the governments cause. Does anyone believe that the GW report was fabricated? No. Everybody knows where the truth lies. We've heard the chain saws and we have seen how the gov responds to this type of report many many times and it is always the same - attack the source. A new tack, please. Why not try and work with NGOs to improve?

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