Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Death by bandaids

... is s fairly original way to die

Phnom Penh - A Cambodian man died after staging a silent protest against his wife's alleged infidelity by taping his nose and mouth shut with band-aids, local media reported Tuesday.

Chea Songha, 42, of the north-western province of Battambang, became enraged with his wife's repeated absences, and, after consuming a large amount of alcohol on Sunday morning, taped over his nose and mouth in an effort to draw his wife's attention to his distress when she returned, reported Khmer-language newspaper Koh Santepheap.

Although police said he did not embark on his stunt as a deliberate suicide attempt, Songha appeared aware of the risks, instructing his sister before she left him home alone that if it ended badly they should play disco music at his funeral, apparently as a further taunt to his wife. (Source)

The moral of the story kiddies, is that air goes in the lungs. Don't block them off.

As funny as this is, there is something darker beneath the surface. The idiot victim dies essentially because he is extremely angry at not being able to control his wife. His final thoughts are of taunting her. Sounds like a very pleasant fellow. Did no one ever tell him that women are people too? We will go wherever we wish? We have equal rights, at least on paper. No one gets to control another human being. No one should have to put up with threats and intimidation.

If he had been less of a misogynist, he'd probably have been fine, but there's no accounting for stupidity!

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