Friday, August 03, 2007

Ordinary crimes

This happens all too often here. It is not questioned, except by the children's rights NGOs but even they cannot keep up with the sheer number of cases of child molestation and sexual abuse.

A 25 year old man was charged with raping a 6 year old girl by Battambang Provincial Court on Tuesday ... the accused rapist was caught by the victim's mother and neighbours who heard the child cry... Seng Son, chief of the antitrafficking police said ..."she was too young for such an attack" (Source: Cambodia Daily 2/8/2007)

Too young? That, aside from her injuries, is the only comment made by the chief of the antitrafficking police. How about, rape is wrong at any age? How about, violence is unacceptable? How about, we need to reform our thinking because this story happens every week? How about, deploring sexual abuse? How about, we must protect our children? How about, why did this happen?

Why does this happen here? Every week, most days, there is a story in the paper about the rape of children and women. It seems to be very prevalent throughout the country. Sexual violence is a regular and almost normalised occurrence.

Some argue that the same thing happens in Europe, the US, Africa and they are right. Sexual violence is used as a tool in certain wartorn African countries to demoralise and split communities. In Europe and the US sexual violence is increasing and the blame is put squarely on the shoulders of the victims for reasons such as being "provocatively dressed", "expressing an opinion", "being drunk" or having a particular job, to name a few.

Why is sexual violence so accepted? Is it might makes right? Is it misogyny? Is is anger bubbling under the surface of a national psyche; anger that manifests as incest, sexual abuse, rape and domestic violence? These four crimes are in the papers daily throughout the world. What is so wrong with the world that this behaviour is normal and even suitable for jokes?

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