Thursday, March 15, 2007

Women's rights = threat to national security?

This item comes from "Feminist Daily News" can can be found in its entirety there.

Prominent Iranian women's rights leaders Shadi Sadr and Mahboubeh Abbasgholizadeh remain in jail after being arrested for peacefully protesting on March 4. The women, who were arrested with some 30 feminist activists for protesting the detainment of four other Iranian feminists, have been charged with being a "threat to national security," the Campaign to Free Women's Rights Defenders in Iran reports.

It is literally incredible to think that a peaceful protest by 30 women is considered a threat to national security. In what possible way to they constitute a threat? Perhaps their actions will encourage more women to revolt and demand equality and this is the threat?

Fear is the best control mechanism. Bush has reinforced that idea time and time again in the US. A population in fear will sacrifice their rights and freedoms for security. The sacrifice is never worth it and security does not significantly improve.

In this case the rights and freedoms are those of the Iranian women. What is the government so afraid of when it comes to women's rights and gender equality? You can protest the Iranian governments actions by signing the petition here. It might or might not change anything but think about if you or you sister, mother, daughter were in that position. Just think that there but for luck of location go I.

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