Thursday, January 18, 2007


Well I've finally arrived in Ireland after quite the journey. I left the Penh on Tuesday at 8am local time and 33 hours later I arrived in Cork. I arrived in Bangkok without issue and wandered around the terminal admiring the "design" and wondering at the thought that went into it.

The flight to London was delayed - mechanical failure - but I would still have enough time to catch the connection. I confess to boredom while waiting the extra two hours to board. Bloody twelve hour flight and they showed appalling movies, of which the latter beggars belief. So I'm bored and restless and there is still six hours left in the flight and I await the next glorious piece of entertainment which was this. Of course the subject was interesting and informative but it was so overacted and full of sentimentality that I got bored early on.

We land at 10pm - three and a half hours late - and I miss my flight. I don't know where my luggage is and I'm tired what with the activities of the night before. Thank you Thai Air - posh hotel room and two meals and a booking on the next flight out. That turned out to be 9.50 next morning. So I was in heaven staying at a hotel I couldn't afford and thinking that few airlines would do that for passengers nowadays with the low cost revolution.

Amazingly my luggage survived Heathrow and I am once more at home in a cold country.

Everything is damn expensive.

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