Monday, May 22, 2006


It's a strange place to live when your neighbour's cooking tempts you into the kitchen and five minutes later you run for the bathroom retching because of the nauseating smell of the second dish. You light anti mosquito coils with lavender and try to breathe through your mouth but even your mouth can smell the odour.

I think it is impossible not to feel uplifted and sickened by the various odours that alternatively caress and assault your senses. In the city there is no fresh air. There is no escape from the smells.

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Anonymous said...

What were they cooking? Scary stuff. Look forward to seeing you next month!

Mór Rígan said...

I don't know - but it was truly awful. Me too. Anyway thing you would like from this end of the world?

Anonymous said...

An elephant?

Mór Rígan said...

I'll see what I can do ;-)