Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Well after a delicious breakfast in "The Shop", it was definately time to sleep. D and I planned to get four hours and then head to the "pav" for a bit of sun, pool and sleep. I woke up at the appointed time but D needed more so I just headed out to forage for food and bevvies.

Saw M + L and M at "Flavours" which is not entirely surprising because the only way M could live there more is sleeping on the floor. Ate, drank and was merry until the night before started catching up. Zzzzzzz

Once home I fancied some light entertainment so I popped in Pirates of the Carribbean 2 and was I ever disappointed - tired gags, lack of originality, fundamental misunderstanding of the character of captain Jack Sparrow etc.

Memo to film moguls - "Special effects do not a good movie make". Learn it, live it!

After that monumental disappointment I headed to bed, mourning the character of Jack Sparrow - formerly the best pirate ever.

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