Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Day

Well Christmas Day began with B and I running around like headless chickens trying to find sellotape for wrap our Secret Santa gifts. Eventually it was found in the last place I looked - hardy har har eh! After stopping for Champers and cash at the supermarket and bank respectively, we headed off to C's Champagne breakfast which was loads to the gills with fine food and drink. The Christmas celebrations got off to an early start!

After fielding many questions about B's marital status and disappointing many chickies and drinking copious glasses of champagne - interspersed with coffee, fruit juice, beer and other bevvies we headed off to the Pav where the water was cool and the seats were plentiful. I managed to get myself told off twice by the owner for talking to loudly but hell it was Christmas.

After much relaxing we headed off to JB's where we awaited our turkey with eager anticipation - so hungry at this stage with brekkie just a distant memory - having a few drinks out of the copious stash that we liberated!

Movies, turkey and drinking followed and the next exciting thing was my managing to get locked in the bathroom. After much shouting and "kick the door down" statements, someone threw in a knife and I unscrewed the handle and got out of that small but clean loo. The whole process took about 40 minutes - excitement city!

All in all it was a good Christmas. Would have fancied a kiss from Mr Blond but wasn't to be. Next time! B and I brought much drink back to our place.

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