Friday, March 02, 2007

Women and sports

I am Catholic and that means I'm a Christian - a tautology I know. But according to this I nor any other Christian women should engage in sports for the following reasons

  • Sports greatly hinders (sic) the development of godly, Biblical, feminine character
  • Christian women are often ill-prepared to be Biblically obedient wives and mothers
  • They instead develop a competitive and contentious spirit that will cause them to have great difficulty in their marriages
  • Hinder (sic) the development of wifely duties around the home
  • Even worse is when a man has to compete against his own wife in the workplace and community
  • We have a nation filled with weak men and disorderly women ... from feminist influences and activities like competitive sports
  • They make young women very unfeminine
  • The masculine uniforms and sweaty bodies aren’t very attractive, either
  • The young girls are trained in sports right along with the boys ... this can only be degrading to the boys
  • The longer they play, the more likely it is that their femininity will be degraded
  • Given that sports may very well foster pagan and humanistic attitudes, I urge parents to think deeply about this issue and about whether or not any members of their families should participate in organized (sic) sports programs. As a minimum, I hope you will agree with me that we should keep our daughters away from competitive sports and spend our time training them how to be Biblically feminine women, wives and mothers
It's as if the 60s never happened. This ideology casts aspersions on both genders and is frankly sickening. Are all women supposed to be Stepford wives - willing machines to cook, clean, never have an opinion and if one does is she never to express it? The article is written by a man. Perhaps he would like to be able to sell his daughter like what happened in Pakistan, as permitted in Exodus 21:7 or his wife Exodus 21:4. The women embracing that ideology are worse. It's disgusting.

People complain that in certain areas Islam will not modernise but this Christianity is just as backward looking.

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Becky C. said...

I am also Catholic--in fact people are very surprised to learn I attend daily Mass.

But there is sometimes, and always has been, so much garbage in Christiainity. I think in a way growing up Catholic makes it easier to put it all in perspective. Some of it is just so ridiculous and kitschy.

I went to all girls schools K-12--and we really learned toghether what a crock a lot of it was--but at the same time most of us developed some pretty deep Christian(as well as some uniquely Catholic) values.

Hope this makes a little bit of sense:)


Mór Rígan said...

I know but these extremists really bother me and their attitude just stinks.

Thanks for your POV Becky - I really enjoy your blog!