Grey girls
Khmer Proverb No. 1
“A son is a diamond, a daughter a piece of white linen. If you drop a diamond in the mud it wipes clean again.”
Khmer Proverb No. 2
“Having a daughter is like having a toilet inside the house; one day you just know the smell will come”
Women in Cambodia
“A son is a diamond, a daughter a piece of white linen. If you drop a diamond in the mud it wipes clean again.”
Khmer Proverb No. 2
“Having a daughter is like having a toilet inside the house; one day you just know the smell will come”
Women in Cambodia
Such those proverbs should have been not valued by now.
It is true that such proverbs should be outdated but I'm afraid that they are still in usage and more importantly so is the notions behind them.
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