Monday, April 03, 2006

River tales

So my dear and faithful readers, this weekend I went on a boat trip down the Mekong to see the sunset with some people from UNDP. Of course, the one day that is chosen is one of the only overcast days we have had since I arrived. Nevertheless we have a grand old time watching the Vietnamese community, who live on the other side of the river, catch fish with the aid of a horse and two cows. We were perplexed to see a swastika above the door of one of those houses. It seemed quite out of place.

After this interesting ride we had dinner at a French restaurant - delicieux - followed by drinks on a boat - a stationary boat this time, which is one of the happening spots in Phnom Penh. It was enjoyable with the drinks and the breeze. We were going to continue in a club but its location was a mystery and half our party had succumbed to fatigue. Besides it was outside the city - we probably would have needed security clearance. It got quite late so home I went. The dog nodded to each other as I went through the gate.

Sunday was threatening rain and I was tired so I stayed in for much of the day. I went to the Russian market to pick up some clothes my tailor was making for me and to buy a bag. I'm going to Thailand for a week starting on Saturday. It's Khmer New Year and we had two days off. I took an additional three and got the necessary clearances. I am meeting up with one of the other Irish UNVs in Bangkok and we're going to Phuket. We got an excellent deal - flights and accommodation for $260 each.

The other thing that happened yesterday is that I decided to get a massage. The mise en scene was great. It was cool, with soft oriental music playing and very dark. It would have been too dark to read by which is my personal light gauger. I did not realise that one is supposed to specify the intensity and the little lady dug in. At times I thought I would yell out in pain but I thought this was relatively normal. I realised the depth of my discomfort when I lay down to go to bed. She had very strong hands.

There was a magnificent thunder storm last night. I went out on the roof to see the jazzed flashes of lightening that were so bright it could have been daytime. They came fast on the heels of the previous one. The light drizzle was refreshing.

I watched Syriana and can't get it out of my head. It is a good flick - confusing and long but recommended. What do you think?

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Anonymous said...

The swastika is an ancient symbol, used a lot in Buddhism, and pilfered by the NSD types. Usually the "feet" point the other way.


Mór Rígan said...

I knew it was a symbol of protection before being Nazi but I didn't know it was used in Buddhism. I think that clears that issue up - thanks T