Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Well I was walking to meet Dani to go for Indian after work yesterday when it started raining. That was fine I continued walking only about five minutes from the restaurant at that point. But then the heavens opened and the water poured down. It was raining so heavily that it hurt to be under it. In the end a dashed into a nearby restaurant for refuge. It continued to rain and I could hardly hear Dani when she called to discuss the situation as the rain was beating down on the corragated iron roof of the restaurant.

It felt like I was living Bibical prophesy from the days of old.

Eventually it eased off. At that point it was too late to go to the Indian so I made my way back to my place. It was not easy. Within thirty minutes the water had risen a foot. Firstly there was no way to leave the restaurant without stepping in water, and so my Birkies got soaked. I waded back to the house reflecting on water bourne diseases but I'm not too worried. I disinfected my feet upon arrival.

I was wondering before why the pavements are so high - now I know. Got to get some new sandals soon or my Birkies will not survive the rainy season. This morning it was so cool. I did not feel the heat or the humidity - it was loverly! The water had gone - not a trace remaining. I wouldn't have believed that the streets had been flooded if I did not see it myself.

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