Monday, January 30, 2006

China Girl

OK so Happy Chinese New Year. It's the year of the dog! I celebrated yesterday by going to my Japanese friend's Singaporean's friend's house and eating delicious spicy fish curry, sticky rice, and an assortment of food that was most impressive (though quite unrecognisable to me). They wouldn't let us leave until all the food was gone so we stayed until nightfall. Phnom Penh can be quite dodgy after dark - especially Li Hon's neighbourhood. Got a tuk-tuk home. It's safer than a motodop especially since the driver is a friend of Li Hon's. You can go anywhere in Phnom Penh with a tuk-tuk for only $2. Its great value.

Anyway as I'm skipping along to work today, I have to cross the street several times to avoid the dogs (rabies) and the random chickens (bird flu) that wander the streets of the capital. This is one of the major streets as well as being in the posh area. Every time I cross the road is an exercise in oh shitism. The cars honk at every corner and the motodops and tuk-tuks don't follow the rules of the road. In fact no one follows the rules of the road. The thing is to dive in and keep going. Don't stop even if thousands of motodops are bearing down on you. The only way forward is forward.

Job is good.

Weather is hot and humid.

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