Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Don't quite know what pet to get and have more money than sense, consider a crocodile.

Phnom Penh - As the price of crocodiles for commercial use plummets locally, a Cambodian company has sought out an alternative market niche - mail-order pet crocs.

The hybrid saltwater Siamese crocodiles might not make loving pets, but they do possess lovable qualities, Crocodiles Cambodia insisted on its website.

For 2,355 dollars, the company mails 18 eggs and an incubator wrapped in brown paper and said more than 90 per cent of its shipments make it through customs around the world.

For those who might need a helping hand with their new babies, Siem Reap-based Crocodiles Cambodia provides links to with tips for new owners.

"No doubt when you think of a crocodile as your pet, you might be wondering if it will work out," said.

But have no fear - or only a few, at least.

"They can be harmful for the inexperienced lovers," the website said. "... There is no doubt that crocodiles are not for kids. They can be ... potentially harmful to other pets, and even people."

Yes, really!

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