Thursday, May 24, 2007

Intimidation via magic water

In Cambodia, you prove loyalty to the party by drinking "magic" water
    A group of villagers living in the Svar Sor commune, Varin district, Siem Reap province, claimed that the population of many villages were rounded up by their CPP village chiefs and commune chiefs who forced them to drink “magic” oath water in order to prove their faithfulness to the CPP party in the commune.

    “… they forced us to drink, they say whoever are faithful to them, they let them drink (the water), but those who are not, they let them go. I drank, we all drank, and we are drinking every day. In this village, several hundred people (drank)…”

    Prang Chhoeun, the (CPP) Svay Sor commune chief, recognized that he organized this ritual, but that he only forced CPP party members to drink only, and he is not forcing anybody else to drink at all.

    Prang Chhoeun said: “We organized this ritual because we want to know who among the villagers are faithful to our CPP, we don’t force anyone, we just conducted business as usual.”

    Kul Panha, the executive director of Comfrel, said that according to the commune election law, and the general election law, it is stated that forcing of people to drink ‘magic’ oath water must be fined between 5 and 25 million riels ($1,250 to $6,250).(Source)
Of course it is not mentioned what happens if one drinks and they are not a CPP member or does it show its magic if you are faithful to party? It is not mentioned what makes the water magic or how the party official can tell the faithful from the terrified.

Sounds like intimidation tactics by CPP thugs. They run unchecked by the rule of law. It's against the law but I'd bet that they will never be prosecuted. A CPP General's son robbed a school yesterday with a grenade and is pretty much immune to prosecution. Utter lawlessness seems to be the name of the game.

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Anonymous said...

well at least its better than magic purple koolaid... long live the CPP!

Mór Rígan said...

You're just saying that because you are far far away!