Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sapient viruses?

He said that he got the illness from his wife, Chumteav Bun Rany, who also spread the disease to their grandchild. Hun Sen said that illness does not discriminate, and it does not know that Hun Sen is a high-ranking official”. (Source)

Disturbing words from the PM here. Two major points methinks. Firstly his wife "spread the disease". Oh yes, when explanations are too complex, the path of least resistance is to blame the woman. She diseased up the grandchild too just to make sure.

Secondly, from his words I get the feeling that the PM means the opposite. Certainly his phrasing indicates that he believes that an illness should skip him because he is such an important man. Well he is certainly self-important.

The illness does not know his rank. Yes PM this is normal. While viruses are living they have not achieved sapience. Where viruses capable of choice, I'm sure the rank of PM would have encouraged them to seek less connected prey for their evil, rapacious, diseased ways.

As amusing as sapient viruses are, I find the scientific ignorance appalling. One of the markers of a developing state is a lack of investment in science and technology. Perhaps after his encounter with the disrespectful viruses, the PM will reevaluate his appropriation of public money and invest it in Cambodia. Well one can dream regardless.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Save me from smart bugs - Heinlein's happening!