Monday, April 30, 2007

Take back the blog

I'm a little late to the party but I'm here at last. Take back the blog is about supporting the rights of women to blog without fear of harassment, intimidation, stalking and violence. Online harassment of women has happened time and time and time again. Check this out for additional posts and stories.

Chris Clarke has a great post about online behaviour at Pandagon. He's been experimenting with female handles as research for his article. Definitely recommended reading

Within five minutes of logging on I had sexually abusive IMs popping up from men I didn’t know. Didn’t matter which room I was in: general chat, politics, classical music. I kept up the experiment for I think four days, a couple hours a day, sometimes chatting with people about non-sexual topics, sometimes just lurking.

Online stalking happens. It's not a myth. Wrap it up now people.

EDIT: Check out the front page of the Washington Post. Thanks to Jinja for the heads up.

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