Monday, April 23, 2007

Earth Day 2007

The blogosphere is banging on about Earth Day, which apparently was yesterday, so I am a little late and not a little surprised. I was under the impression that Earth Day was at the spring equinox - in March. But event that promotes awareness of the continued deterioration of the environment is a good thing in my book.

A few examples of this FUBAR

Very little arctic thick sea ice replenished in 2005

Sudden sea level surges threaten 1 billion

China says that global warming threatens development

World must invest now to counter impact of extreme weather from global warming

Small farmers hit by changes in the climate

Extreme weather threatens over one million people

UNFCCC Executive Secretary says significant funds needed to adapt to climate change impacts

We've all seen An inconvenient truth. Global warming is a threat to the Earth and the unkindest cut of all is that it effects the developing world most severely. Citizens of the developing world have to deal with global warming on a daily basis - famine, drought and flooding.

Save the planet

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