Thursday, February 22, 2007

Screwed again

Once again the organisation I work for has screwed me over. This is about the sixth time in three weeks (they should be buying me dinner). They systematically rip my benefits away quoting rules and regulations. If I didn't love my job and host agency, I would seriously consider quitting.

This time they have decided not to reimburse my return flight from Ireland to Cambodia. The lackey in headquarters seems to enjoy depriving me of all benefits. It's driving my local representative mad - he's foaming at the mouth on my behalf. And now it appears that our local lackey (or Lackey 2) knew about this, due to secret correspondence, but failed to mention it at any stage.

Neither my rep nor I knew that there was a danger of losing the cost of the flights. We were not copied into the email but Lackey is quoting from his own email to Lackey 2 and saying he can't do anything, "there's no provision in the conditions of service and it's not possible to treat it as an exception case". Half the problems in the beginning were his lousy English.

Oh well, there's not much I can do. I'll have to wait till next month to buy the bare necessities, over 30 days because of idiot Lackey. However, I am composing a strongly worded letter that I will send to each person in headquarters along my particular chain of command up to the director. It's not acceptable to treat people as I have been treated. It will not change a thing but I want to make my opinions known. It won't be the first time :-)

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Resource curse?

Is Cambodia going to be the latest state to suffer under the resource curse? The oil is attracting much interest and the government is corrupt. Can this be a positive step for Cambodia? Will it follow the Nigerian or Sierra Leonean model when faced with potential wealth from valuable natural resources? In a country where 50% of the budget comes from external donors, I hope that some control can be exercised when it comes to corruption in, what may become known as, the oil department.

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What happens when an NGO accuses the Khmer Rouge Tribunal of Corruption? Go on the attack of course

The "Open Society Justice Initiative" revealed last Friday that Cambodian personel have to kickback a portion of each salary to the government in exchange for their jobs. Of course this is not the first we've heard of it but it was admirable to publish what every agency thinks but does not do. Full article here.

Now the cabinet minster Sok An announced yesterday that "Open Society Justice Initiative" will no longer be welcome despite the public nature of the courts. And the tribunal's admin director Sean Visoth says the she will not cooperate them anymore because of "bad faith and bias" by the NGO. (Cambodia Daily 19/02/07)

The rumours in the capital are that the allegations are true and sure why wouldn't they be in a country that survives on kickback and/or intimidation? It is an example of the nature of the politicians here to attack when confronted with their corruption. Happens every day.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Phnom Penh - the Prague of Asia?

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Note to self:

Putting a lid on a saucepan will not prevent ant invasions. Make room in the fridge or eat everything. Guess what greeted me this morning when I went to eat the remainder of last night's dinner?

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cars, motorbikes ...

This is transport in Cambodia! It's really a competition of how many people you can fit on a vehicle. Incidentally the road is less than 40 kms from the capital.

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Rabbit Island

Well it's been a while since I blogged but here are some pics to make up for it. They were taken on Rabbit Island off the coast of Kep. Cambodia. The second is our open air bed (wooden table with a mossie net) and the third is our local gourmet restaurant!

Had a decent time there - mostly good, some annoying. Campfire and sleeping under the stars - good juju

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Irish waves

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Monkeys on the rampage

Only in Cambodia ...

A MARAUDING colony of glue-sniffing monkeys are being rounded up by police in Cambodia.

Wild macaques, dubbed "gangster monkeys", have been seen stealing bags of glue from addicts before going on the rampage.

As well as biting people, they have been stealing laundry from homes.

Deputy governor of Phnom Penh's Daun Penh district Pich Socheata said 15 macaques had been caught so far.


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For an amusing afternoon at work

Political cartoons that rock!

Tech support humour - I know many who can identify with dealing with starfish And for those who ring tech support or customer support in general, you may see yourself in the comments!

The classic My Cubicle with James Blunt parody for those who work in an office!

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Life oh life

Well I'm calmed down a tad since yesterday and have accepted the fact that I'm not getting the $5000 I thought I was getting, and had already mentally spent. The loophole turned out to be irrelevant. The whole issue was miscommunication and poor English on behalf of the lackey. Maybe some sort of English proficiency test might be in order. Oh well at least I have a job. That is the best part - I get to continue my career.

Tonight I get to party my troubles away because the first weekend of the month is here and that means Elsewhere party and I have plans for it. Tomorrow I will become a cheerleader for the first time since I ran the Erasmus students' football team - Real Erasmus - in Bilbao. Bryn is playing hockey and I'm going to watch and maybe even yell myself hoarse as was the usual in Spain.

Happy Friday all

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ok I'm still mad but I've calmed down. If the worst comes to the worst I'll still be better of than last year. It's ridiculous really. Luckily my bosses - former and future are in my corner! Thanks.

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So very angry

I am so angry with bloody international organisations right now. The Powers that Be are trying to screw with me and my entitlements. Because the contract was issued the day after I arrived in Cambodia they are saying that I am locally recruited and so miss out on 25% of my already meagre salary. The difference is less than 24 hours. The lackey in HQ is insisting on following the rules exactly - no exceptions. The sums we are arguing over mean nothing to the lackey, who has never had an original thought in his life. He's beyond such puny pocket change as my salary.


Nevertheless I think I have just found a loophole - I'm going to fight this thing!

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