Monday, October 02, 2006

Work so bloody frustrating

I share a printer with the office assistant and the intern and I occasionally print out my work to proofread in the old-fashioned way or an article that I am particularly interested in. Each time the fucking office assistant will look at what I've printed out and ask where I got it and what am I printing. It is so bloody frustrating. I can't ever think to print out something personal. I have a separate office so he always gets there before me.

Today was the last straw. I found him and the intern with a page each in their hands reading something I had written and cultural differences be damned - I finally told me to stop looking at my stuff. He got offended by Cambodian standards which means he dimmed his smile a fraction and doesn't seek me out as his personal career counselor. This will last a total of one hour. Its so frustrating to always have to pretend to be bright and sunny for every shagging second in work

Going to scream *SCREAMS*

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