Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Recently an adultery law was passed. Break this law and spent up to one year in prison for men and women. It is, as usual, a political move targeting FUNCINPEC party leader Prince Norodom Ranariddh, who is divorcing his wife and is reportedly in a long-term relationship with another woman. The prince is the prime minister's latest target in the run up to next year's commune elections.

It is feared the law may also be selectively used against opposition politicians or others who ruffle the feathers of government officials. There is also a legitimate concern that corrupt police and courts will use the law as a tool to extort money from vulnerable women such as domestic violence victims who, if they try to leave their abusive husbands, may be accused of having affairs.

This is another example of hypocrisy from the government. It is widely acknowledged that all rich men have more than wife and many mistresses. In fact TV stars and singers serve as high class prostitutes to the rich and powerful. So much the much vaunted morality that government is trying to protect.

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