Friday, October 03, 2008

Sexism in the Phnom Penh Post

Nice to see that the Phnom Penh Post is jumping on the "domestic violence is funny" bandwagon.

2 October 2008 page 20

The cartoon incorporates sexist language "Don't know why they're always drawn to the one's that beat them". It's supposed to be funny because the character is an anthropomorphous egg but really it's a judgement about women who stay in violent relationships. Ha ha ha eggs get beaten - hilarious. Domestic abuse is not funny. Gender based violence is not funny. How is it that this even needs repeating?

I find it disgusting that the PP Post would publish this cartoon at all but especially in a country with huge amounts of gender based violence and domestic abuse. Hardly a day goes by that I don't read in the paper about the rape, abuse and murder of women. I don't have enough sanity points to do research on that at the moment. If in doubt see posts under sexism, sexual exploitation, violence etc. Not funny PP Post.

And for those of you who think that it's much ado about nothing, I suggest you take the red pill from Liss at Shakesville.

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